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The 32nd annual Jack Gardner Memorial Softball Tournament, held on July 13th, was a day of celebration, support, and heartfelt connections within the Jack’s Kids community. This event, a cherished tradition, continues to exemplify the spirit of unity and compassion that defines the Jack’s Kids organization.

This year, we proudly upheld our motto, “It’s All About The Kids!” Currently, Jack’s Kids supports 59 families, actively assisting at least 20 of them. Since the last tournament, four new families have joined our community, and 26 families came together to mark the 32nd year of this cherished event.

The day began early at 4:00 AM, with dedicated volunteers inspecting 19 fields throughout Somerset County to ensure they were playable despite concerns about the weather. Fortunately, the event proceeded smoothly, and by 6:30 AM, 41 umpires had gathered at the lodge for their meeting, assignments, and a bite to eat.

Undeterred by the rain, the tournament kicked off with over 500 players across 41 teams, with 9 Jack’s Kids stepping onto the field to throw out the first pitch, setting an uplifting tone for the day. Later, the Elks Lodge became a heartwarming focal point of the event, bringing together families—both those we continue to support and those who have moved beyond needing assistance. Even families of Jack’s Kids angels remained active, volunteering and showing their enduring commitment to the cause.

Over the past three years, more kids and families have been eager to share their stories of progress and perseverance, and this year was no exception. To name just a few: The crowd erupted in cheers when Jessica proudly walked, showcasing the strength and progress she gained from intensive therapy. The celebration continued with a special 21st birthday serenade for Emily, followed by the presentation of the second annual Jack’s Kids Rock Star award to Ben Falcone. His inspiring speech, set to the “Fight Song,” left a lasting impression on everyone present.

Newcomers Jabez and Billy were warmly welcomed into the community, with Jabez and his mom, Marcia, bravely sharing their story. The crowd erupted in cheers when Nick’s mom, Sarah, announced that Nick is in remission. As always, Caitlin Rice Fies delivered a heartfelt update and revealed John Hegedus as this year’s recipient of the Caitlin Rice Fies award.

The day was filled with activities for the kids, including lawn games, homemade popcorn, face painting, and arts and crafts. The Batmobile made a special appearance, delighting everyone in attendance. Each Jack’s Kid also received a special gift—an orange cape with the Jack’s Kids logo, a symbol of their strength and resilience.

Along with winning teams receiving their trophies, several special awards were presented during the event. Bill Kimmick received the Pierce Frauenheim Jr. Community Service Chairman Award for his outstanding dedication and service. Fred and Karen Ludwig were honored with the Jim Robinson Community Achievement Award, recognizing their significant contributions to the community. The Millstone Valley Fire Department was presented with the Staff Sgt. Andrew T. Lobosco Memorial Award, celebrating their commitment and bravery.

A particularly impactful part of the day was led by Tim Rice, a Jack’s Kid father and trustee, who served as the event’s MC. For hours, Tim energized the crowd as countless supporters brought up donations, raising thousands of dollars in just a few hours—a true testament to the generosity and spirit of the community.

The success of the event was a testament to the extensive planning and dedication of the Jack’s Kids team. Planning for this year’s tournament began the day after last year’s event, and by Thursday, July 11th, the tournament kicked off with team check-ins at the lodge. Volunteers worked tirelessly in the days leading up to the event, assembling raffle  baskets and ensuring everything was in place for the big day.

Special thanks go out to our sponsors, including Cusick Funeral Home, the Eagles, Bridgewater Woman’s Club, and Millstone Valley Fire Department, among many others who made the day possible. We also extend our gratitude to the volunteer photographers who captured the spirit of the day. Photos from the event can be viewed here. To learn more about other sponsors who contribute annually, please visit

On behalf of Hank Werner, Jack’s Kids Trustee, and the rest of the committee, we want to thank you for the continued support of the Jack’s Kids families. The 32nd Jack’s Kids Softball Fundraiser was a resounding success, filled with joy and unity. The Jack’s Kids community continues to grow stronger, with new initiatives like the Parent Support Group, launched in January 2024, providing a space for parents to connect and share their experiences. This event highlighted the deep connections that have been forged, turning what was once just an annual gathering into a year-round community of support.

It truly is all about the kids!