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On August 20th, 2013 our 4 year old son was diagnosed with pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia or A.L.L. for short. That morning I called the pediatrician for an appointment because for the past week Quinn was very tired, falling easily, and bruising. The pediatrician kept asking me different questions and said she had to make a phone call, she returned to the examination room and told me that I had to immediately head up to Morristown Memorial and meet with a Dr. Halpern. Within a half hour of our arrival they were able to tell us that Quinn had a confirmed case of Leukemia.”
My husband and I were in complete shock, you never ever expect to hear the words that your child has cancer. Treatment started immediately with admission to the hospital. The past 8 months has been a roller coaster ride, there were some very dark days, however, our Quinn is a fighter and amazes us with his strength and bravery.”
We are so grateful for the doctors and nurses at the Valerie Center at Morristown Memorial and the care that they have given to Quinn and for our friends, family, Blessed Sacramnet, and the people in our community that have rallied around us and have supported us. We are particularly grateful to Jack’s Kids for their support, Rich and Hank were so generous in visiting with us and dropping off a check for insurance co-pays and Shell gas cards.”
The past two months have been particularly difficult because this has been the final block of consolidation and they have basically thrown everything they have at Quinn. We have been at the hospital the past 8 weeks at least 3 times a week, the co-pays for each visit and the gas cost has added up quickly. Thankfully we had the help of Jack’s Kids to get us through this. Quinn will begin maintenance if his counts are good on April 23rd. Maintenance for his type of Leukemia is 2 years and 2 months.”
We realize we still have a ways to go on our cancer journey, but we have faith in the Lord and the doctors that our Quinny will make a full recovery. We ask that you all keep Quinn in your prayers for complete healing.